English Version
N° inv   0336  |  57 x 41,5 cm   |   Collage on paper

Немецкое почтовое отделение, Шангай Китай
Deutsches Postamt Shanghai China
La Post Allemande Shanghai Chine
German Post Office Shanghai China


en fond se trouve un collage de divers papiers rouges, bleus, transparents et de tissu noir et blanc. en avant-plan, on voit deux photographies de femmes, un papier beige sur lequel il est écrit "in...zu 2 pfennig...beim empfang zu zahlen"= deux pfennig à payer à la réception, et un papier blanc sur lequel on lit "karl rappenecha, deutsches postamt shanghai, china" (karl rappenecha, poste allemande shanghai, china). a côté de l'image de la jeune femme se situent des bottes.

in the background collage of different forms of paper in red, blue, transparent and white and black tissue. in the foreground two real pictures (one of a younger woman and one of a little bit older one), a beige paper on which is written down "in (...) zu 2 pfennig (...) beim empfang zu zahlen" (in (...) 2 pfennig (...) to pay when you receive") and a white paper on which it is written down by hand "karl rappenecha, deutsches postamt shanghai, china" (karl rappenecha, german post office shanghai china). beside the picture of the young woman is stick down a piece of paper on which are printed some boots.

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